Welcome to Freedom High School
Here at Freedom, we focus on literacy, rigor, and relationships. We recognize that significant learning occurs when strong relationships are in place between our students, teachers, parents, and community. By all of us taking up the challenge to be here, we are taking the first steps in ensuring an educationally enriching experience for our students.
We are committed to ensure the Patriot community will support our students as they grow instructionally, emotionally and socially. We continue to offer a plethora of advanced placement coursework, industry certifications, and dual enrollment opportunities with Orange Technical College, Valencia College, University of Central Florida, and University of Florida. In addition, Freedom offers a variety of FHSAA sports, and opportunities to participate in our award winning performing arts programs and/or visual arts programs.
It is truly an exciting time at Freedom High School. We challenge each person to do a little more than usual and give more than ever before. We ask our Freedom community to continue supporting our school's endeavors and celebrate in our achievements. Remember patriots, don't stop until you're proud.
This is Our Freedom!
Charles France