Parents, Teachers & Students Can Make A Difference!

When you join the PTSA (Parents, Teachers & Students Association), your membership dollars are joined with other members, and together we are able to do amazing things for our students, our teachers, and our school.  Please support the PTSA mission to enhance your student’s high school experience by joining today!

Membership is only $10!
Be sure to select Student, Parent/Guardian or Community Member upon signing up.
Click the link below to select your membership and purchase some of our spirit items.

Wanting to volunteer or simply have an inquiry, reach out to us at [email protected]


Stay tuned for our upcoming meeting schedule. Look forward to seeing you all there!

2024-2025 PTSA Leadership Team

President –Marisela Del Cid

VP  - Tabitha Johnson

Treasurer –Natasha Llavaneras

Recording Secretary –Marlyn Chavannes

Looking for volunteer opportunities, reach out to us TODAY!!!!

[email protected]